Mulawa Proud to Support API
Mulawa Arabian Stud | Proud to Support the Arabian Performance Index (API) Register
Mulawa is proud to partner with the NSW Arabian Horse Association to promote several new ventures at the premier NSWAHA shows. Starting at the National Stud Show this November, Mulawa will sponsor a new Memorial Sash Championships exclusively for API recorded horses, as well as API Young Horse Ridden classes.
National Arabian Stud Show
16th-19th November 2018
Sydney International Equestrian Centre
The NSWAHA will also be offering an East Coast Cup title exclusively for API recorded horses, to round out a full offering of prestigious & highly coveted East Coast Cup Championships for all competitors. Mulawa is proud to sponsor this exciting championship, considered one of the highest under saddle honours in Australia.
East Coast Championships
24th-27th January 2018
Sydney International Equestrian Centre
Mulawa has also generously agreed to extend full sponsorship of all API classes at the Australian Arabian National Championships. Hosted by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia, the 'Aussies' offers a full range of National Championship titles for API recorded horses:
Arabian Performance Index Ridden Championship
Arabian Performance Index Bridle Path Hack Championship
Arabian Performance Index Show Hunter Championship
Arabian Performance Index Led Championship
The Open Ridden & Led Show Hack Championships at Aussies, the largest and most competitive classes of the entire show, will also run under Mulawa sponsorship starting in 2018. These high profiles classes are open to all breeds as well as API recorded horses, making a title earned in these championships an ultimate honour & achievement.
The Mulawa Challenge Arabian/Arabian Derivative/API Led Championship
The Mulawa Challenge Arabian/Arabian Derivative/API Ridden Championship
Australian Arabian National Championships
08th-10th March 2018
Sydney International Equestrian Centre
The Arabian Performance Index is an initiative of the AHSA which acknowledges the Arabian ancestry of horses which contain less than 12.45% recorded Arabian breeding and which are not eligible for registration in any of the Arabian Derivative registries. A horse recorded in the Arabian Performance Index is one derived from horses of Arabian breeding aged three (3) years or older. This innovative register was initiated by the Board of the AHSA to encourage new members and to celebrate Arabian ancestry and influence in low percentage equine athletes.
Registration forms for horses are available on the AHSA web site. It is lifetime registration for horses.
A special thank you the NSWAHA & the AHSA for recognizing the importance of API recorded horses and for offering high profile opportunities for these horses to be showcased at the premier Arabian events in New South Wales. Mulawa is proud to sponsor & celebrate the enduring contribution of the Arabian breed in all equine sport, and to partner with industry leaders to create a greater sense of community amongst all breeds, disciplines, owners, breeders & competitors.